We bought some treats for Twinkle, these are used to teach her tricks and to bahave. She loved them so much and behaved well when she sees us holding the treats. We also bot her a new pee pen and she's smart enough to know that she should pee and poo in it. Here's a short clip on how we teach her.
In case if you are still unaware, my compy, Great Eastern is celebrating its 100th birthday this year. Today, we each receive a box of choc from them and a 288 ang pow.
Twinkle went for her first vaccination on yesterday. Initially, we have concerns whether this little rascal can handle this ordeal. To our relieve, she handled it well. She didnt even gave a cry when the vaccination was injected and but gave a small cried when the vet injected the microchip which is much more painful. A brave girl indeed!! After the "torture", we decided to reward her with some treats for her brave act.
Here's are some latest pics of twinkle. Twinkle smiling at us Twinkle in carrying cage , waiting to go to vet (Thanks to Jess, my colleague for donating this cage to twinkle) We also trained her with treats, here's a pics of it.
Sis sent me this pics of Ah cheng on the ferris wheel eyeing the pokey stick. That funky shirt that Botak Cheng wore was bot by his Ah Yi , which is me, from my Bali trip which fit him perfectly well.
Zhong Zhong Di Di (My bro's baby boy) will be having his man yue this sat, hopefully, I rem to bring camera to post more pics of him :P
I did my mani and pedi today during my lunch time.. Quite nice and only $37.50 !! Damn cheap isnt it ?? Hope Twinkle dont bite my nails .. heee
Today, was having the usual chat with my colleague and she told me her bitch is having menus now and usually it lasted for one whole month !! I was so shocked and find it so hilarious .. ha ha .. I can't imagine twinkle having menus for a whole month !!
Hi ya, I had recently moved to a new working desk. It is more airy and brighter.. but this new place is so near to my boss so occasionally, boss will pop by to peek on me .. jz kidding ..