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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Back from DownUnder

<-- This is how Ah Lip looks like after the Gold C'st trip, Muhahah... Nah, we are back from Gold C'st. Well, it's really fun esp the thrill rides in those theme park, far better than those kiddy Tokyo Disneyland & Universal Studio in Osaka, Booo.... to them. We tried all the rides in both Dreamworld & Movieworld, cool. We took videos of those rides which we rated them as "TOP 4" best rides in both theme Parks. Check those out..

"The Giant Drop" ~ Most scary rides of all. It was like more than 40 storey high & they pull you up real high & drop u, Ghosh !! This mov clip is actually inverted but somehow I cant get it rotated.

"The Claw" I screamed all the way throughout the ride and woon lip was laughing all the way to see me screaming like mad woman.

We went to Movieworld & took this Batman Rides, U get to shoot up & down like batman , I suppose. Sorry guys, it was inverted as well.

The last one has to be this "Superman Escape" The whole roller coaster rides jz took 8 secs to complete, we actually took it for 3 times !! Cool

Best Rides Rated by Dawn: The Claw
Best Rides Rated by Woon Lip: The Giant Drop

1 comment:

momo esther said...

wo wo!so fun!!!!