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Monday, July 02, 2007

Ah Lip bloggin ...

Yesterday, I gave Ah Lip a 2 mins clash course on blogging. He picked up fast & within minutes he managed to create one. Click here to view his virgin blog entry.

Applause !!!

From now on, we get to see more blog entries from him.. hopefully he don't abuse my blog with his loads of Koi & Cycling craps !! :(

Muhahahaha !!!

Yesterday, we went to catch this movie. My advice is ... ...
"Dont watch if you are not a transformer fans!" coz I am NOT one so I do NOT enjoy the show at all !! I try to sleep in the cimema but the sound effect is so LOUD that made it impossible to sleep.

Throughout the show, I was tossing restlessly , waiting for the movie to end earlier & sadly it only ended after 2.30 HRS !! Faint ...

As for Ah Lip, transformers have always his childhood heros so he enjoyed every parts of the movie.

1 comment:

momo esther said...

haha..i enjoy to die!!!so super nice!!

not fans...stil can enjoy for a great action movie ah!haha.. tat hated husband watch as a action he no fans for transformers ah....

but it !love it!!
going to watch it again!!...