Applause !!!
From now on, we get to see more blog entries from him.. hopefully he don't abuse my blog with his loads of Koi & Cycling craps !! :(

Muhahahaha !!!

Yesterday, we went to catch this movie. My advice is ... ...
"Dont watch if you are not a transformer fans!" coz I am NOT one so I do NOT enjoy the show at all !! I try to sleep in the cimema but the sound effect is so LOUD that made it impossible to sleep.
Throughout the show, I was tossing restlessly , waiting for the movie to end earlier & sadly it only ended after 2.30 HRS !! Faint ...
As for Ah Lip, transformers have always his childhood heros so he enjoyed every parts of the movie.
1 comment:
haha..i enjoy to die!!!so super nice!!
not fans...stil can enjoy for a great action movie ah!haha.. tat hated husband watch as a action he no fans for transformers ah....
but it !love it!!
going to watch it again!!...
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