Yes, I am busy with planning another short holiday for us, plus errrh .. waste a bit of time msn-ing .. including my sis .. ( jz came to know that her hubby also jumped into this msn bandwagon) This is part of our msn conversation which I think quite funny to share ..
Sis says:
You so free huh? Got time to update your blogspot, read other blogs and msn?
Sis says:
to so many pple some more!
Dawn - says:
it is all abt time management !!
Sis says:
Sis says:
get ready to be sacked!
Dawn - says:
u knw, I got more than 100 msn contact to msn ea day
Sis says:
who are you msm beside me?
Dawn - says:
alot alot har
Dawn - says:
usually i msn few at a time
Yes, most of the time, our conversation is crappy so left me less time to blog plus besides my daily work, I received occasional calls from Ah Lip to diagnose his IT problem so my handphone number has become his unofficial IT helpline. Well, so this left me with even lesser time to do my daily work.
Muhahaha .. Lame ...
Back to my oncoming holiday, it is going to be this one .. Da da daa.....

Click on this link to check out our package.
redang!!!!.....i want to go too!!..
snorkeling~~miss the fishes...
do blog after the trip!!..
have fun!!!
redang very nice... hehehehe... must go enjoy a lot... :)
wow..i so envy of you wor...seem like you go hoilday every 3 months hor....enjoy life while working hard..heard alot about redang,is a nice relaxing place.but i got road-sick with long don't think i will enjoy as much as other...u enjoy to the top and don't forget to share share pic with us when u return...
Sure thing ..
Jz got to know that resort we staying is where the Summer MoMo chia is casted & filmed
Wow looking fwd for this holiday ,,
hahaha... went there with esther... nice nice nice.... what kind of room u all booking arh??? make sure not standard room hor... hahahahahaha
Here got some redang photo
I've just been to redang island. And it's a beautiful island! You'll love it.
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