The doctor give me a injection, (Ouch !! it was much painful that I thot) and ordered me dun eat this & that. In short, I cannot eat EVERYTHING except soup noodles for two weeks till it fully recovered !! Sighz....
As for Ah Lip, he also fell sick, thanks to me of course !! so the two sick cats spent the whole SUNDAY Zzzzzz....
Today, I feel much better thou my arm still ache fm the injection, hopefully my cough heal fast.
oh my!do take care!!
rest well!and drink more water!!
take care!!!:)
Tks Wenn will take care !!
alamk..weather is super bad nowaday.you beta take more care and stay far far away from heaty food hor...wish you n your hubby speedy recovery la..hugz
wow... take care... ur cough like very long lasting.. i thought u recover for less than 2 months only.... take more fruits after recover... :)
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