Wau!! Toto Jackpot 6 MILLIONS !!! No wonder, we saw long queue at the betting booth during lunch time. Die Die MUST buy har!!
If I strike, I promised to blog full time and be a Full time Tai Tai like Wenn (haha..) !! Wait a minute, I might need to engage mayb 6 handsome body guards to protect & chauffer me around on a Maybach, OR mayb I will be the Singapore's youngest World Vision's Ambrassor to adopt over 100 poor childrens..Muhahaha... I will realise my dream, which is to set up DVD shop that rents out those TVB dramas so I can enjoy while making $$ !! Can't wait for tat day to come !!! Muahaha...

HAHA........i also wish to win!!
Can buy one house in the sentosa cove!!
hee..me is not tai tai leh!!
me is only a full time HDB housewife..
i am slave to my 5cats and husband..!!cry.. :(
tai tai is mean got maid...ME dun have!!so i no tai tai !!cry.. :(
I also bot to try my luck...Mrs Teo...if I strike then you can be tai tai if you want...haha (Ah Lip)
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