OMG!! U see that ?? There's only ONE winner for the Grooooup 1 prize which mean this moron get to win $ 6 millions & can start declaring himself ( I reckon he muz be a MALE) a millionaire!! Why him & not ME !!

Looking back, I'm really a no-luck person. I've never won any prize in my life, be it a lucky draw contest, company dinner or 4D !! NEVER ONCE ON MY OWN !! Only once during Jean's wedding when we chipped in to buy her bridal car number, and I believe I won becoz she "borrowed" some luck to me not bcuz I'm heng heng. Mayb I dun "invest" enough to deserve to win, God knows.
Something to cheer me up, today I got a call from M1 that my 3G services has been activated !! Which means you can start making video call to me !! (for M1 subscribers, we get to talk for 5 mins FREE !!)
< clap > < clap>
Another hilarious video clip to share, courtesy from Ah Lip.
Speed Saves Life
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